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Alberto Giudice

Android Developer

I have an academic background in Computer Science and Games Development, with work experience in Android Development on some of Denmark's biggest apps.

I have ADHD and tend to thrive in highly collaborative settings. I sometimes may struggle to get started on completely new projects, but once started I can deeply focus on my work and achieve highly polished solutions in little time. I prefer working on implementing new features, especially new layouts. I can offer a strong knowledge of Android development, as well as a constant willingness to learn and adapt.

By nature, I love making people laugh. I'm also a very organized person and I have often led student group projects. Nonetheless, I value listening to new perspectives and working with others. I highly value quality and always strive to achieve the best solutions within deadlines.

  • Kotlin

  • Java

  • XML Layout

  • Jetpack Compose

  • MVVM Architecture

  • Git + Atlassian Suite

  • Problem Solving

  • Teamwork

  • Creativity

  • Time Management




Mother tongue

TV Series

I'm always up for a game night at Bastard Café. I love strategic board games.

I regularly role/master Pathfinder 2E campaigns with friends, streaming them on Twitch.

To me, true happiness lies in eating a good Neapolitan-style pizza. No pineapple attached.

I got the Advocate (INFJ-T) personality in the 16Personalities online test.

Android Developer

Shape A/S, 2019-2022 | København, DENMARK

I worked for 3 years as a student Android Developer, implementing both logic and layout changes for their clients' apps. The apps I worked on include Fitness World, OK - Tank, wash and park, Solar Mobile and Nordisk Film Biografer. My work at Shape has included:

  • Refactoring of old Java code to Kotlin and MVVM;
  • Implementation of data-binded Recyclerviews, animations and RXJava network calls;
  • Implementation of new layouts in both XML and Jetpack Compose;
  • Extensive bug fixing on existing codebases.

Teaching Assistant

IT University of Copenhagen, 2020-2022 | København, DENMARK

During my studies at ITU, I've been working as a Teaching Assistant for the courses Game Programming, Game World Design and Mobile App Development, as well as manager of the GameLab. As a TA, I've worked in close contact with the professors to improve the course quality for all students. In particular I've had the following responsibilities:

  • Weekly office hours to confront students and help them solving issues;
  • Weekly assignments grading and feedback;
  • Organizing and holding workshops regarding various development techniques;
  • Setup of technical equipment, online streaming events and social gatherings.

Freelance UI Designer & Web Developer

MK Media S.r.l., 2014-2019 | Milan, ITALY

While my main task inside MK Media has been creating editorial, graphical and video content, my job also required me to create UI designs and code snippets for temporary usage. Some of this work consisted in:

  • Creation of custom headings to sponsor particular events, which led to an increase in the user interactions;
  • Creation of custom snippets to easily embed many e-shops referral links in an organic way, which led to an increase in the average click rate;
  • Creation of many forms of imagery for different types of usage, includig the whole YouTube channel video and graphics branding.

MSc in Games (Technology)

IT University of Copenhagen, 2019-2022 | 10/12 (B)

This 2-year Master in Games was focused on the key technical aspects needed by a game programmer, as well as introducing essential game design concepts. This was achieved by both advanced aspects of Computer Science and practical projects in making actual games. Some key takeaway I got from this Master are:

  • Experience working on gameplay elements, game architecture, AI and graphics;
  • Improved understanding of teamwork management in a multi-discipline setting;
  • Exploration of new design spaces, culminating in my thesis on creating a card game based on time pressure;
  • Event planning and communication, as student representative and GameLab manager.

Bachelor Degree in Computer Science

Università degli Studi di Padova, 2015-2017 | 110 / 110 cum Laude (A)

This 3-year Bachelor in Computer Science was focused on learning the core of software development. It helped me in achieving several crucial skills for a software developer, through both frontal lessons and pratical projects. Some of the skills I've acquired from my studies are:

  • Mathematical, logical and algorithmical oriented approach to problem solving;
  • Clean software architecture design and pattern usage;
  • Practical usage of C++, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, XML, JSON, JavaScript, Git and MatLab;
  • Software Engineering principles and team working.


Interactive Multiplayer Music Experience (Android), 2020

Dispattern is a smartphone-based interactive music experience developed as an exam project in the MSc in Games at the IT University of Copenhagen. This app has been made in Unity and features support for 1 to 4 concurrent players, engaged in creating music together by drawing colored lines on their screen. Any other person connecting to the app can spectate to the music played. My contributions to the project include:

  • Shaders development to mimic subtractive color space;
  • Implementation of the UI surrounding the canvas space;
  • Implementation of various logic behind the behaviour of the experience;
  • Active contribution in designing game mechanics together with sound and art directors.

References available upon request.